Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bristol Palin's Camel Toe

Bristol Palin's Camel Toe (or cameltoe if you live in Kentucky), what's all the ruckus? As you can clearly see from this screen capture, I've been getting a ton* of visitors looking for Bristol Palin camel toe. The only Bristol Palin bodyparts that are getting more attention are Bristol Palin legs and Bristol Palin breasts.

Why are masses of horny, one-handed surfers landing on my beach? Google. I'm number 3 for Bristol Palin camel toe. Yeah, my mom is proud.

While I have her legs displayed prominently in various posts so I can make fun of them, and her breasts (completely obscured by clothing) have been known to hang around here, there have not been any camel toes belonging to Bristol Palin on this blog, until now. I always aim to please my anonymous, dick-holding fans. This toe is for you!

Here she comes, walking down the street.

bristol palin camel toe cameltoe
In too tight pants, licking a frozen treat. Hey, hey its Bristol Palin.

Come closer, Bristol. Closer. Pay no attention to the camera I have duct taped to my shoe.

bristol palin camel toe cameltoe Got it. Time to zoom in.

bristol palin camel toe cameltoe
Sweet merciful crap, that's a beautiful camel toe. Are you sure that you wouldn't rather have a nice photo of Britol Palin's beer gut? I'm going to have to use photoshop to enhance the toe. It's there, it's just hard to see. Give me a few minutes.

bristol palin camel toe cameltoe

I'd rather have the frozen yogurt. What is it with you guys and your camel toes? Breasts, I understand. Legs, I like the legs. A juicy, bouncy butt rippling and jiggling with every move that she makes. Duh. A cute face, a beautiful face, nice shiny hair? Yes. Yes. Yes. Even a big sloppy, puffy vag stuck in my face, I can get with that program. But a camel toe - the slight indication that a woman may have an orifice concealed under clothing that we all know she has. It don't yank my chain.
*Ton is relative. Maybe a kilo of visitors would be more accurate.


  1. Bobby,

    Lame. Not funny.

    First, that's a camel foot. It contains two toes.

    Funny. Photoshop that camel foot so it replaces Bristol's feet. Call it Bristol Palin's camel toes. More toes, more traffic.

    Kicker. She dances for shit because she has camel feet.

    Lesson finished.


  2. Bill,

    Who the heck came up with camel toe in the first place? It was genius. You should write a column. Opps, you're dead.

    I like the foot idea. I'm stealing it.



  3. Hey Bob,
    another delightful piece on my gal Bristol. I came for the pictures, although unflattering, leaving satisfied.

  4. Mike,

    You know what I always say about Bristol Palin:

    Come for the pictures, not on your keyboard.

    I'm glad you were satisfied.

    Thanks for the comment!

